We created this page to simplify the way we receive our models new images and videos.
In order to best promote and represent you It's very important that we have all the images you have from your past and future jobs. We are constantly reaching out to clients to get your latest images but your help is always appreciated.
If you have just started with UU please gather all your intro and walk videos. If you have videos from past jobs, behind the scenes videos or past commercials you are featured in.
If you are a new face and are not yet in town we may ask you to do and "intro and walk video" PLEASE SEE EXAMPLES HERE
We can accept the following formats: MOV, MP4 (MPEG4), AVI, WMV, FLV, 3GP, MPEGPS, WebM
Be sure to email your booker every time you send us new material.
Don't forget If you need help we are here for you! Just email the team@unite-unite.com and someone will get right back to you.