This page allows you to securely upload all your portfolio images directly to our DropBox. The UU team will have access to them for use in your book, comp cards and other marketing items.
In order to best promote you Its very important that we have a complete collection of all your current images. You can also use this page to add future new images you acquire. We do our best to reaching out to your clients to acquire your new images from jobs but team work can be a big help. You should make it a point to inquire at your jobs as to whom the best person would be to contact to obtain the final images.
Be sure to upload the highest quality images you can acquire. Screen shots are not usable for printing comp cards and don't provide a the quality representation you the talented image makers who worked so hard to create your photos.
Recommendation: Reach out to your photo teams and let them know you are now signed with Unite Unite and ask them for quality images files suitable for use in a printed portfolio. A resolution of 300 dpi is ideal.